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Home > Job Search >Newspapers > Massachusetts Newspapers (60)
Andover Townsman (edit)
Andover newspapers - Weekly
Arlington Advocate (edit)
Arlington newspapers - Weekly
Athol Daily News (edit)
Athol newspapers - Daily
B.U. Bridge (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
Boston Business Journal (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
Boston Globe (edit)
Boston newspapers - Daily
Boston Herald (edit)
Boston newspapers - Daily
Boston Irish Reporter (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
Brookline TAB (edit)
Brookline newspapers - Weekly
Cambridge TAB / Cambridge Chronicle (edit)
Cambridge newspapers - Weekly
Cape Cod Times (edit)
Hyannis newspapers - Daily
Cape Codder (edit)
Marshfield newspapers - Weekly
Daily Item (edit)
Lynn newspapers - Daily
Eagle-Tribune (edit)
Lawrence newspapers - Daily
Lexington Minuteman (edit)
Lexington newspapers - Weekly
Lowell Sun (edit)
Lowell newspapers - Daily
Marblehead Reporter (edit)
Marblehead newspapers - Weekly
Massachusetts News (edit)
Wellesley newspapers - Daily
Needham TAB (edit)
Needham newspapers - Weekly
Newton Town Online (edit)
Newton newspapers - Weekly
Sentinel & Enterprise (edit)
Fitchburg newspapers - Daily
Swampscott Reporter (edit)
Swampscott newspapers - Weekly
Taunton Daily Gazette (edit)
Taunton newspapers - Annual
Tech News (edit)
Worcester newspapers -
The Amherst Student (edit)
Amherst/Northhampton newspapers - Weekly
The Barnstable Patriot (edit)
Barnstable newspapers - Weekly
The Beacon Hill Times (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
The Berkshire Eagle (edit)
Pittsfield newspapers - Daily
The Boston Phoenix (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
The Christian Science Monitor (edit)
Boston newspapers - Daily
The College Street Journal (edit)
South Hadley newspapers - Weekly
The Daily Collegian (edit)
Amherst/Northhampton newspapers - Daily
The Daily Free Press (edit)
Boston newspapers - Daily
The Daily Hampshire Gazette (edit)
Amherst/Northhampton newspapers - Weekly
The Daily News of Newburyport (edit)
Newburyport newspapers - Daily
The Gatepost (edit)
Framingham newspapers - Weekly
The Gloucester Daily Times (edit)
Gloucester newspapers - Daily
The Harvard Crimson (edit)
Cambridge newspapers - Daily
The Haverhill Gazette (edit)
Haverville newspapers - Weekly
The Heights (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
The Herald News (edit)
Fall River newspapers - Daily
The Northeastern Voice (edit)
Boston newspapers -
The Patriot Ledger (edit)
Quincy newspapers - Daily
The Phillipian (edit)
Andover newspapers - Weekly
The Portland Phoenix (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
The Providence Phoenix (edit)
Boston newspapers - Weekly
The Provincetown Banner (edit)
Provincetown newspapers - Weekly
The Recorder (edit)
Greenfield newspapers - Daily
The Salem Evening News (edit)
Salem newspapers - Daily
The Standard-Times (edit)
New Bedford newspapers - Daily
The Stoneham Independent (edit)
Stoneham newspapers - Weekly
The Tech (edit)
Cambridge newspapers - Semiweekly
The Tufts Daily (edit)
Medford newspapers - Daily
The Wanderer (edit)
Mattapoisett newspapers - Weekly
Union News & Sunday Republican (edit)
Springfield newspapers - Daily
Valley Advocate (edit)
Springfield newspapers - Weekly
Vineyard Gazette (edit)
Martha's Vineyard newspapers -
Watertown TAB & Press (edit)
Watertown newspapers - Weekly
Wellesley Town Online (edit)
Wellesley newspapers - Weekly
Worcester Telegram & Gazette (edit)
Worcester newspapers - Daily
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Quick Tip: Knowing how to properly write your employment details may make the difference between you getting the job or someone else

As you begin on the main body of your resume you must concentrate on your current and previous work history. Include the name of your employer and as previously detailed the dates of your employment within the company. Your job title should be reflective of the position you are currently employed in rather than perhaps a more junior position that perhaps you began in earlier in your career with your current employer. Your job title must reflect the position you are seeking otherwise your resume will be quickly discarded in favor of another. Having said this ensure that you do not misrepresent yourself or your capabilities.

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