Our Message |
With the current
economy and high unemployment rate many employment seekers in Canada have
trouble finding jobs in their industry. Most seekers are browsing through
various popular job posting web sites such us Workopolis, monster.ca and
others. Almost all of the job postings found there are posted by Canadian
employment agencies. Cost of placing a job posting on such web site is quite
high and very few small employment agencies can afford it.
Did you know that
outside of well-known Canada's employment agencies such as Asset Personal,
Procom, Adecco, there are thousands of agencies all over Canada. Sure thing you
never heard of most of them. Imagine how many employment opportunities you are
missing by not applying to the small, unknown employment agencies. And did you
know that a lot of companies prefer to deal with smaller employment agencies
because the service level is more personable and the fees are a lot smaller.
Here is an idea: what
if you start sending your resume to each employment agency that specializes in
your industry and is located in your city/town. May be at that exact point of
time they have a job that matches your skills. Wouldn't it be great if your
resume landed on their desk at that time? Well, if this sound like a really
great idea, how long would it take you to collect all the necessary information
to make this happen. Information such as, finding all employment agencies in
your area, then contacting them in order to find out what industry they
specialize in. After you are done with that, get their e-mail addresses and
start sending your resume to them one by one. Does it sound ridiculous? If the
answer is “Yes”, what would you say if someone would offer to do that for you,
would you give it a try? ResumeCourier.ca is that someone, go check it out, it
will only take a few minutes.
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